Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The French Bear said...

Hmmm.... empty nesters! Sounds interesting, count me in, maybe we can swap some stories.
Margaret B

Magnolia Memories08 said...

Love your thoughts great idea. When the nest becomes empty I guess we have to make changes in our lifes.You can count me in. I really at this time in my life don't know where I am going. I know my life is very lonely.If it wasn't for blogging my life really would be empty.
It is always nice to meet new blogging friends.
Please visit when you can

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

Great idea,Its a whole new ball game first i cooked for 6 then 5 ,4 ,now 3 but at time i still forget and think i am cooking for 6 one more to go.(hmmm what will i turn that room into)

Anonymous said...

I would certainly enjoy insights into being an empty nester, particularly since this has been a very hard week, and I have been tearing up for just that reason. So, I was just checking out your different blogs. You're a busy lady.
